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Curriculum Vitae



Office Address:                                                                     

Institute of Buddhist Studies                                                 

2140 Durant Avenue                                                             

Berkeley, CA 94704                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      


Ph.D.               1993                Harvard University (Study of Religion)

                                                Dissertation: “Zen Nuns: Living Treasures of Japanese Buddhism”

                                                                        Advisor:  Masatoshi Nagatomi

M.A.                1987                Harvard University (Study of Religion)

M.T.S.             1985                Harvard Divinity School (History of Religions)

B.A.                1983                Kalamazoo College (Honors in Religion, Music)

                        1980-81           Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan (Japan Studies Program)


Professional Experience

The Eshinni and Kakushinni Professor of Women and Buddhism, Institute of Buddhist Studies, 2023-

Professor Emerita, Philosophy and Religious Studies (Buddhism), Asian Studies, and Women & Gender Studies, Louisiana State University, 2019-2022.

Urmila Gopal Singhal Professorship in Religions of India, LSU, June 2018-2022

Yuki Visiting Professor of Buddhist Studies, Institute of Buddhist Studies, Spring 2015

Director of Religious Studies, Department of Philosophy & Religious Studies, LSU, 7/10-6/13

Associate Professor of Philosophy and Religious Studies (Buddhism), Asian Studies, and Women & Gender Studies, Louisiana State University, 2007-

Assistant Professor of Religion, Asian Studies, Carleton College, 2002-2007

Assistant Professor of Religious Studies, Women’s Studies Program, East Asian Studies Program Vanderbilt University, 1994-2002

Visiting Research Scholar, Nanzan Institute for Religion & Culture (Nagoya, Japan), May 98-May 99

Assistant Professor in Humanities, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, July 1993-July 1994

Lecturer, Brown University, 1991 & 1993

Tutor, Harvard University, 1991-92           

Teaching Fellow, Harvard University, 1986-93        

Teaching Associate, Brown University, 1988

Associate Director, (and institutional founder of) Harvard Buddhist Studies Forum, Harvard University, 1991-1993

Conference Organizer, “Current Buddhist Research: In Honor of Prof. Masatoshi Nagatomi,” Harvard Buddhist Studies Forum, Harvard University, March 1996

Associate Researcher, Nanzan Institute for Religion & Culture (Nagoya, Japan), 1990

Research Assistant, Prof. Sharon Parks, “Spiritual Development in Young Adults,” Harvard University, 1984-85

Research and Administrative Assistant, Prof. James Luther Adams, Harvard Divinity School, 1984-1987

Administrative Assistant, Antioch College, Buddhist Studies Program in Bodh Gaya, India, 1987


Research Grants

Manship Summer Research Fellowship, 2012, 2020

ATLAS (Awards to Louisiana Artists and Scholars) Louisiana Board of Regents, 2008-09

Mellon Faculty Fellowship through Carleton College, 2005

American Academy of Religion Research Assistance Grant, 2004

Carleton College Targeted Opportunity Grant, 2003

Vanderbilt University Research Council Direct Research Grant, 2000

Fulbright Senior Scholar Grant, 1998

American Council of Learned Societies Fellow, 1998

Vanderbilt University Research Council Direct Research Grant, 1998

Vanderbilt University Research Council Summer Research Grant, 1995

Vanderbilt University Research Council Direct Research Grant, 1995

Hong Kong University of Science & Technology Research Grant, 1993-94

Fulbright Dissertation Grant, 1989-90

Edwin O. Reischauer Institute Summer Research Grant, 1989

Lilly Foundation Research Grant to study Asian-American Christians, 1988-89


Travel Grants

College of Humanities & Social Sciences International Travel Support, 2020

Office of Research and Economic Development Faculty Travel Grant, LSU, 2008


Teaching Grants and Award

LSU Tiger Athletic Fund Teaching Award, 2014

Vanderbilt University Venture Fund Award for Teaching, 2000

Vanderbilt University Venture Fund Award for Teaching, 1995


Scholarships and Prizes

Japanese American Citizen’s League Scholarship, 1986

Fan E. Sherwood Memorial Prize in Music, 1982, 1983

Marion H. Dunsmore Prize in Religion, 1983




The Little Book of Zen Healing: Japanese Rituals for Beauty, Harmony, and Love. Boulder, CO: Shambhala Publications, 2023.

Painting Enlightenment: Healing Visions of the Heart Sutra––The Buddhist Art of Iwasaki Tsuneo. Boulder, CO: Shambhala Publications, 2019.

Bringing Zen Home: The Healing Heart of Japanese Women’s Rituals. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2011.

Women Living Zen: Japanese Sōtō Buddhist Nuns. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999. Paperback version, 2012.

Co-edited with Kevin Trainor. Oxford University Press Handbook of Buddhist Practice. New

York: Oxford University Press, 2022.


Book Chapters (Peer Reviewed)

“Domestic Dharma in Japan.” Oxford Encyclopedia of Buddhism, ed. by Richard Payne. Oxford

University Press, 2021. doi:10.1093/acrefore/9780199340378.013.ORE_REL-00965.R1

“Healing Wisdom: An Appreciation of a Japanese Scientist’s Paintings of the Heart Sūtra” in Buddhism and Medicine: An Anthology of Modern and Contemporary Sources. Edited by Pierce Salguero. New York: Columbia University Press, 2019, pp. 100-107.

“Japanese Buddhist Women’s ‘Way of Healing’” in Buddhism and Medicine: An Anthology of Modern and Contemporary Sources. Edited by Pierce Salguero. New York: Columbia University Press, 2019, pp. 310-316.

“The Zen of Rags” in Zen and Material Culture. Ed. By Steven Heine and Pamela Winfield. New York: Oxford University Press, 2017, pp. 229-256.

“Healing Meditations and Rituals in a Multicultural World, in Meditation and Healing. Iksan, S. Korea: The Institute of Mind Humanities, 2016, pp. 348-367. Translated into Korean.

“Mother Kannon: Womb of Compassion” in She Appears: Encounters with Kwan Yin Goddess of Compassion. Ed. by Sandra Boucher. Las Vegas: Goddess Ink, Ltd, 2015: 87-89.

“Healing Zen: The Brain on Bowing” in Disease, Religion and Healing in Asia: Collaborations and Collisions. Ed. Ivette Vargas-O’Bryan and Zhou Xun. New York: Routledge Publications, 2014: 155-169.

“The Zen of Healing: Making Friends with Chronic Illness” in Chronic Illness, Spirituality, and Healing: Diverse Disciplinary Cultural Perspectives. Ed. Michael Stoltzfus, Rebecca Green, and Darla Schumm. New York: Palgrave Macmillan Press, 2013: 167-181.

“Introduction” in Zen Sourcebook: Traditional Documents From China, Korea, and Japan. Ed. by Stephen Addiss, with Stanley Lombardo and Judith Roitman. Indianapolis, IN: Hackett Publishing Company, 2008: x-xxix.

“Women and Dōgen: Rituals of Empowerment and Healing” in Zen Ritual. Ed. by Steve Heine and Dale Wright. NY: Oxford University Press, 2007: 185-204.

“Medicines, Healing, and Spiritualities: A Cross-Cultural Exploration” in Teaching Religion and Healing. Ed. by L. Barnes & I. Talamantez. NY: Oxford University Press, 2006: 207-218.

“An Empowerment Ritual for Nuns in Contemporary Japan” in Women’s Buddhism, Buddhism’s Women:  Tradition, Revision, Renewal. Edited by Ellison Findley.  Boston: Wisdom Publications, 2000: 119-130.

曹洞禅の尼僧−−日本仏教と文化への貢献 “Sōtō Zen no Nisō––Nihon Bukkyō to Bunka e no Kōken,” [Sōtō Zen Nuns: Contributions to Japanese Buddhism and Culture] in Zen no Sekai. Edited by Aichi Gakuin Zen Kenkyujo.  Nagoya:  Kikodo Shoten, 2000:  443-474.  [Japanese translation of excerpts from Women Living Zen, Oxford Univ. Press, 1999]

“A Case of Ritual Zen:  Gratitude to Ānanda,” in Innovative Buddhist Women: Swimming Against the Stream.  Edited by Karma Lekshe Tsomo.  Richmond, Surrey:  Curzon Press, 2000: 123-129.

“Japanese Buddhist Nuns:  Innovators for the Sake of Tradition,” in Buddhist Women Across Cultures:  Realizations.  Edited by Karma Lekshe Tsomo. New York: State University of New York Press, 1999: 105-122.

“Sōtō Zen Nuns in Modern Japan:  Keeping and Creating Tradition,” Religion & Society in Modern Japan. Edited by Mark Mullins, Shimazono Susumu, and Paul Swanson.  Berkeley: Asian Humanities Press, 1993: 203-218.


Articles in Academic Journals (Peer Reviewed)

“Bowing to the Dharma: Japanese Buddhist Women Leaders & Healers.” Religions: Special Issue on Women in Buddhism, 2017.

“The Dead As ‘Personal Buddhas’: Japanese Ancestor Rites as Healing Rites.” Pacific World Third Series, No. 5 (Fall 2003): 3-17.

“Discovering Sōtō Zen Nuns’ Contributions to Japanese Buddhism and Culture,” Zen Kenkyūjō Kiyō [Journal of the Institute for Zen Studies Aichigakuin University] No. 28 (1999): 246-230.

“Exploring Strategies for Research on Buddhist Women,” Hikaku Shisō Kenkyū [Studies in Comparative Philosophy] No. 25 (May 1999):  13-23.

“Nuns: Japanese Buddhism’s Living Treasures,” Hikaku Shisō Kenkyū [Studies in Comparative Philosophy] No. 17, (1990), pp. 189-184.


Other Academic Publications

Foreword. Zenju Earthlyn Manuel, The Shamanic Bones of Zen: Revealing the Ancestral Spirit

and Mystical Heart of a Sacred Tradition. Boulder, CO: Shambhala Publications, 2022.

 Jon Kolkin, with Paula Arai. Inner Harmony: Living in Balance. Forewords by His Holiness,

The 14th Dalai Lama and Her Majesty Dorji Wangmo Wangchuck Royal Queen Mother of

Bhutan. Berlin, Germany: teNeus Publishing Group, 2021.

“Japanese Women and Healing Rituals” in Medicine and Meditation: Conversations on Mindfulness in the Management of Chronic Pain and Illness. Nancy Welch, Interviewer. Bellingham, WA: Welch, 2011: 129-143.

“Shintō and Christianity” in Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity, ed. By Daniel Patte. Cambridge: Cambridge University press, 2010: 1155.

“Healing Zen: Japanese Buddhist Women’s Rituals of Transformation” in American Academy of Religion Religious Studies News. Fall 2006: 37 & 46.

“Medicines, Healing, and Spiritualities: A Cross-Cultural Exploration” in American Academy of Religion Religious Studies News Spotlight on Teaching. May 2004: x. (excerpts from   chapter in edited volume Teaching Religion and Healing)

“To Marry or Not: Japanese Male Clerics Say ‘Yes!’” Book review for H-Buddhism of Richard M. Jaffe. Neither Monk Nor Layman: Clerical Marriage in Modern Japanese Buddhism. Princeton:  Princeton University Press, 2001.

“Zen,” in Routledge International Encyclopedia of Women: Global Women’s Issues and Knowledge. Edited by Cheris Kramarae and Dale Spender.  New York: Routledge, 2000: 2163-2164.


Articles in Non-refereed Journals

“Painting Emptiness.” Tricycle: The Buddhist Review Winter 2019: 64-69.

“If You Could See the Heart Sutra.” Buddhadharma: The Practioner’s Quarterly, Vol. 18 No. 1

    Winter 2019: 90-101.

“Painting Emptiness,” in Parabola: The Search for Meaning Vol 44 No. 3 Fall 2019: 56-63.

“Seeing the Wisdom of Compassion: The Art & Science of the Heart Sutra.” Kyoto Journal, Vol 85. December 2015: 110-122.

“Seeing Buddha in Our Midst.” Dharma World, Vol. 40 (July-Sept. 2013): 15-17.

ブッダガヤの隠れた宝物 “Buddagaya no Kakureta Takaramono” (in Japanese) [“A Hidden Treasure in Bodh Gaya”], おたよりOtayori, 105, (Winter 1995): 22-26.

“In Memory of an Invincible Nun: Kojima Kendō (1898-1995),” Newsletter on International Buddhist Women’s Activities, Vol. 12 No. 1 (Oct.-Dec. 1995): 14-15.

“Japan: Monastic Women in Cultural and Historical Context,” Seeds of Peace. Vol. 10 No. 1 (Jan. -Apr. 1994): 17-19.

“Glimpses of a Zen Community of Women,” Dharma World, Vol. 21 (Mar/Apr 1994):  33-40.

我が尼僧感 “Waga Nisōkan” [“My Perspective on Buddhist Nuns”], おたよりOtayori, 100th Commemorative Volume, (Summer, 1992): 12-15. (in Japanese)


Works in Progress

“Sōtō Zen Women’s Wisdom in Practice” in The Theory and Practice of Zen Buddhism: A

Festschrift in Honor of Steven Heine. Edited by Charles Prebish and On-cho Ng. New York:

Springer Publishing, 34 MS pages, in press.

Women Liberating Buddhism.

Samurai Daughter, Indentured Geisha, American Mother: An Odyssey from Buddhist Japan to

Christian America 


Invited Presentations

“Women Liberating Buddhism,” Summer Pacific Seminar at Jodo Shinshu Center, Aug. 5, 2023.

Keynote: “Giving and Receiving: Buddhist Women’s Past, Present, and Future,” Federation of

Buddhist Women’s Association, Oct. 14, 2022.

“Painting Enlightenment: Healing Visions of the Heart Sutra,” Atlanta Zen Center, June 5, 2022.

“Painting Enlightenment: Healing Visions of the Heart Sutra,” Zen Peacemakers International,

Nov. 11, 2021.

“Blossoming in the Mud: Healing Practices of Japanese Buddhist Women,” The Ho Center for

Buddhist Studies at Stanford University, Oct. 14, 2021.

“Painting Enlightenment: Healing Visions of the Heart Sutra,” Morikami Museum and Japanese

Gardens (virtual), May 7, 2021.

“Painting Enlightenment,” Great Vow Monastery, Clatskanie, OR (virtual), March 28, 2021.

“Healing Visions of the Heart Sutra: The Buddhist Art of Iwasaki Tsuneo,” Asian Art Society

Symposium, San Francisco (virtual), Oct. 13, 2020.

“The Healing Power of Everyday Activities in the Time of Covid-19,” UCLA in Peter Sellers’

      “Myth & Ritual” course (virtual), October 19, 2020.

“The Role of the Intellect in the Buddhist Tradition: How Visual Scripture Illuminates and Heals

the Buddhist Mind,” Faiths in Conversation, Dallas (virtual), March 2, 2020.

“Painting Enlightenment,” University of British Columbia, March 27, 2020 (postponed).

“Painting Enlightenment,” Book Passage, Corte Madera, CA, Dec 8, 2019.

“Painting Enlightenment,” Great Spirit Zen Center, San Francisco, CA Dec. 16, 2019

“Painting Enlightenment,” Octavia Bookstore, New Orleans, LA, Oct. 20, 2019.

“Painting Enlightenment,” Village Zendo, New York, NY, Sept. 29, 2019.

“Painting Enlightenment,” Tibet House, New York, NY, Sept. 27, 2019.

“Painting Enlightenment,” Peeler Art Center, DePauw University, Greencastle, IN, Sept. 12, 2019.

“Heart Sutra Poetry in the Gallery,” Peeler Art Center, DePauw University, Greencastle, IN, Sept. 13, 2019.

“Painting Enlightenment: Healing Visions of the Heart Sutra,” Nalanda of the West, Seattle, WA, March 2019.

“Healing Art, Healing Heart,” Zentner Gallery, Emeryville, CA, Dec. 15, 2018.

“Painting Enlightenment,” Society for Asian Art, San Francisco, Dec. 9, 2018.

“Painting Enlightenment,” Ocean Gate Zen Center, Capitola, CA, Aug. 11, 2018.

“Painting Enlightenment,” Heart of Wisdom Zen Buddhist Temple, Portland, OR May, 2018.

“Painting Enlightenment,” Dance Festival, Brown University, May, 2018.

“Painting Enlightenment: The Art & Science of the Heart Sutra,” University of Richmond, Richmond, VA, Mar. 28, 2018.

“Painting Enlightenment: The Art & Science of the Heart Sutra,” Reed College, Portland, OR, Feb. 12, 2018.

 “Painting Enlightenment: The Art & Science of the Heart Sutra,” Naropa University, Boulder, April 11, 2017.

“Painting Enlightenment: The Art & Science of the Heart Sutra,” Crow Collection of Asian Art, Dallas, March 24, 2017.

“Painting Enlightenment: The Art & Science of the Heart Sutra,” Austin College, March 22, 2017.

 “Painting Enlightenment: The Art & Science of the Heart Sutra,” Swarthmore College, Feb. 28, 2017.

“Painting Enlightenment: The Art & Science of the Heart Sutra,” LSU MOA, Sept. 2016.

“Seeing the Wisdom of Compassion: The Art & Science of the Heart Sutra,” Tam Bao Temple, Baton Rouge, Oct. 2016.

“Seeing the Wisdom of Compassion: The Art & Science of the Heart Sutra,” Institute of Buddhist Studies, Jan. & June 2016.

“Painting Enlightenment: The Art & Science of the Heart Sutra,” University of Southern California, Oct. 2015; University of Pennsylvania, Oct. 2016; Abington College, Oct., 2016.

“Painting Enlightenment,” Shinjū-an, San Francisco, CA, Aug. 2015

“Tumbling Rocks, Polishing Hearts,” Commencement Address, Institute of Buddhist Studies, Berkeley, CA, May 2015.

“Creating Healing Ritual at Home in the Heart,” San Francisco Zen Center, May 2015.

“Mother of Compassion,” San Jose Buddhist Church Betsuin, San Jose, CA, May 2015.

“Painting Emptiness,” San Francisco Zen Center, April 2015; Kannon-do, May 2015.

“Painting Enlightenment: Experiencing the Heart Sutra through Art & Science,” Emory University Tibetan Studies Program, Dharamsala, India, March 2015.

Keynote Address: “Women’s Ways of Healing the Heart” at 55th Coast District Buddhist Women’s League Conference in San Jose, CA Feb. 12, 2015.

“Painting Enlightenment: The Art & Science of the Heart Sutra,” Brown University, Oct. 2014.

Keynote Address: “Buddhist Healing Rituals Woven into a Western Fabric of Life,” Soto Zen Buddhist Association Conference. October 2014.

Keynote Address: “Poetry, Power, and Personal Buddhas: Laywomen’s Healing Practices in Contemporary Japan,” Domestic Dharma Symposium at Institute of Buddhist Studies, Berkeley, CA, September 22, 2012.

 “Grateful Heart: Healing in Japanese Domestic Buddhism,” Futaba Memorial Lecture Marking 750th Anniversary of Shinran and 120th Anniversary of Shin Temple in Hawaii, October 17, 2009.

“Healing Zen: Japanese Buddhist Women’s Rituals of Transformation,” University of Colorado, Boulder, March 11, 2009.

“Living Zen: Gratitude, Empowerment, and Healing,” Puget Sound Zen Center, Vashon Island, WA. Sept. 2008.

“How a Ritual of Gratitude Empowers Nuns to Actualize Dogen’s Teachings,” Buddhist Seminar for University of New Mexico, Jemez Springs, NM. June 2008.

“Healing Zen,” Buddhist Seminar for University of New Mexico, Jemez Springs, NM. June 2008.

“The Dead as ‘Personal Buddhas:’ Japanese Ancestral Rites as Healing Rites,” Buddhist Seminar for University of New Mexico, Jemez Springs, NM. June 2008.

“Domestic Zen: Laywomen’s Household practices in Contemporary Japan,” Buddhist Seminar for University of New Mexico, Jemez Springs, NM. June 2008.

“Healing Zen,” Kalamazoo College, May 4, 2006.

“Healing Zen,” Luther College, May 2, 2006.

Keynote Address: “Healing Buddhist Women" at Sakyadhita International Buddhist Women's Conference, Seoul, Korea, June 27-July 4, 2004.

“Ancestors as Healers in Japanese Buddhism,” Eastern Buddhist League, Minneapolis, MN, September 2004.

“Women's Use of Dōgen's Teachings,” Zen Mountain Monastery Conference on Dōgen, Mt. Tremper, NY, July 8-11, 2004.

“Women and Dōgen:  Teachings and Practices on Equality,” Traces of Dōgen Conference at Emory University, Oct. 27-29, 2000.

“Zen Buddhist Women’s Rituals,” San Francisco Zen Center Conference on Women and Lineage Ritual, May 2000. 

“Female Buddha Bodies,” Social Construction of the Body Series, Robert Penn Warren Center for the Humanities, Vanderbilt University, April 11, 2000.

“Healing Buddhist Women,” Harvard University Study of Religion, Nov. 19, 1999.

“Buddhist Women Healing,” Vanderbilt University Faculty Forum, Oct. 25, 1999.

“East/West Dialogue on Spirituality and Healing,” Vanderbilt Divinity School Forum, Sept. 13, 1999.

“Women’s Buddhist Healing Rituals:  Research Methods,” Nanzan Institute for Religion & Culture, Nanzan University, Nagoya, Japan (in Japanese) April 1999.

 “Methodological Considerations in Buddhist Studies,” Comparative Philosophy Conference, Tokai Division, Nagoya, Japan (in Japanese) November 1998.

“Sōtō Zen ni Ikiru:  Shuson no Oshie to Gendai no Nisō Seikatsu,” Zen Research Institute Forum, Aichi Gakuin University, Nagoya, Japan (in Japanese) April 1999.

“Women Living Zen Retreat With Paula Arai,” 2-day workshop at Zen Mountain Monastery, Mt. Tremper, NY, March, 1998

“Sōtō Zen Nuns and Their Practices Today,” Columbia University, November 14, 1997.

 “Women in Japanese Buddhist History,” Women’s History Month at MTSU, March 1997. 

“Chichibu Kannon Pilgrimage,” Harvard Buddhist Studies Forum Conference, Harvard University, March 1996.

“Women Living Zen,” Smith College, March 1996.

“Zen Nuns:  Strength and Gratitude Through Ritual,” Swarthmore College, April 1995.

“Glimpses of Asian Religiosity,” Middle Tennessee State University African Studies Program and Multi-Cultural Affairs, April 10, 1995.

“Keeping and Creating Tradition:  Zen Nuns in Modern Japan,” Tennessee Consortium for Asian Studies Conference on Contemporary Trends in Japan, The Japan Center of Tennessee,    April 1, 1995.

“Strategic Methods for Studying Japanese Buddhist Women,” Nihon no Josei to Bukkyō Gakkai [Japanese Women and Buddhism Conference] Tokyo, (in Japanese), Aug. 1993.

“Living Dharma: Zen Nuns’ Motivations, Commitments, and Self-Perceptions,” Institute of Buddhist Studies Symposium on Women and Japanese Religion, April 1993.

“Japanese Spiritual Female Leaders,” Celebration of 100 Years of Women at Brown University, 1991.

“Zen Nuns:  Living Treasures of Japanese Buddhism,” Harvard Buddhist Studies Forum, 1990.

“Nisō no Rekishi to Seikatsu” [The History and Lifestyles of Nuns in Modern Japan], Nihon no Josei to Bukkyō [Women and Japanese Buddhism Conference] Nagano, Japan (in    Japanese), 1990.

“Anthropological Survey of Zen Nuns,” Nanzan Institute of Religion and Culture, Nagoya, Japan, (in Japanese and English), 1990.


National and International Conference Presentations

“Contemplative Practice of Sutra Copying: Visual Scripture for our Times,” American Academy of Religion National Conference, Boston, Nov. 2020.

 “Painting Emptiness: Healing Viewed Through Microscopic and Telescopic Lenses Focused on the Heart Sutra,” American Academy of Religion National Conference, San Diego, Nov. 25, 2019.

 Keynote speaker, “Healing Art: Seeing the Female Heart of Wisdom and Compassion” 16th Sakyadhita International Conference, Blue Mountains, Australia, June 23-28, 2019.

“Embodiment, Place, and Landscape in Buddhist Traditions.” Respondent, AAR, Boston, Nov. 2017.

“Leaders & Healers: Women of Japanese Buddhism.” International Conference on Women as Buddhist Practitioners and Teachers, Past and Present. Sponsored by University of Calgary and University of British Columbia. Dharma Drum Mountain Temple, Vancouver, Canada, September 30, 2017.

“The Evolution of Family: Healing Meditations and Rituals in a Multicultural World." 5th International Conference on “Dialogues on Meditation and Healing,” at the Institute of Mind Humanities, Wonkwang University” Iksan, Korea, May 2015.

 “Visual Scripture: Painting Emptiness with the Heart Sutra,” American Academy of Religion, Arts, Literature, and Religion Section, San Diego, Nov. 2014.

“The Creative Healing Power of Contemporary Japanese Women’s Soto Zen Memorial Practices,” American Academy of Religion, Japanese Religions Group, San Diego, Nov. 2014.

“Painting Enlightenment: Zen and the Art of Perception, Science, and the Heart Sutra,” Presentation and Art Exhibit. Mind & Life Institute International Symposium on Contemplative Studies, Boston, Oct./Nov. 2014. Curator.

“Navigating Healing in a Bi-Cultural Family,” Johns Hopkins University, Oct. 2014.

“Homegrown Healing Rituals,” Buddhism and Healing Conference at University of Leeds, July 2014.

“Healing in a Cup of Tea,” Sakyadhita International Association of Buddhist Women, Vaishali, India, January 2013.

With Sascha du Lac, Salk Institute, “The Body/ Mind:  Buddhist Bowing and Neuroscience,” Cognitive Science, Religious Practices, and Human Development: Buddhist and Christian Perspectives, American Academy of Religion, Chicago, IL Nov. 2008.

“Domestic Zen: Laywomen’s Household Practices in Contemporary Japan,” Sakyadhita International Association of Buddhist Women, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, July 2008.

"Practices of Japanese Lay Women," American Academy of Religion, Zen Seminar, San Antonio, TX Nov. 2004.

“Current Research in Japanese Religions, respondent, American Academy of Religion, Japanese Religions Group, San Antonio, TX Nov. 2004.

“Researching and Interpreting Buddhist Women,” Panel on Researching Buddhist Nuns in Korea: Multidisciplinary Perspectives, Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference, 2002.

“Japanese Buddhist Women Healing Rituals,” Sakyadhita International Buddhist Women’s Conference, Nepal, February 2000. 

“Zen Healing Rituals,” American Academy of Religions Maritime Regional Conference, Boston, MA, April 17, 1998.

“Nuns’ Ritual to Ānanda” International Conference on Buddhist Women, Phnom Phen, Cambodia, 1997 (presented in absentia).

“Hidden Agendas:  The Ascetic Impulse and Women’s Spiritual Practices,” panelist, American Academy of Religion Annual Conference, San Francisco, 1997.

“Buddhist Nuns’ Vision of Women and Japanese Society,” Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference, 1995

“Submissive or Expedient?  Interpreting Japanese Buddhist Women’s Activities,”             American Academy of Religion Annual Conference, Philadelphia, 1995.

“Japanese Buddhism:  The Critical Edge,” panel organizer and moderator for American Academy of Religion    Annual Conference, Philadelphia, 1995.

“A Case of Ritual Zen:  In Gratitude to Ānanda,” American Academy of Religion             Annual Conference, Chicago, 1994.

“Japanese Monastic Women in Historical & Cultural Context,” Third International Sakyadhita Conference, Colombo, Sri Lanka, Oct. 1993.

“Sōtō Zen Nuns,” American Academy of Religion Annual Conference, Kansas City, 1991.


Podcast, Television, Radio, and Magazine Interviews

"Practice You" podcast with Elena Brower (Sept. 11, 3-3:45 pm).

Blue Beryl podcast, “Healing Buddhist Studies (with Paula Arai). Dr. Pierce Salguero & Dr. Lin

Li, April 5, 2023.

“Conversation with Pico Iyer and Paula Arai,” Society for Art & Cultural Heritage of India and Asian Art Museum, San Francisco, June 10, 2021.

“Japanese Buddhist Mourning Rituals” on “Strictly Seniors” cable television, Roland Minda, Producer/Host, September 2005.

“Interview with Dr. Paula Arai,” Kokoro no Jidai [The Era of the Heart and Mind]. Radio Broadcast in Tokyo, Japan, January 19, 1994. (in Japanese)

“A Sober View of Japan from an International Perspective:  Interview with Paula  Arai,” Moku: Magazine for Inspiring Leaders, No. 12 (December 1993), pp. 60-63. (in Japanese).


Panel Presentations and Conversations

“Dharma and Justice Dialogues: Integrating Grief as Social Justice Work,” Virtual Conversation, Union Theological Seminary, March 2, 2023.

“The Transformative Power of Ritual and Ceremony in Buddhist Practice,” conversation with Zenju Earthlyn Manuel, Insight Meditation Center, April 2022.

“Atomic to the Cosmic: Science in Painting Enlightenment,” LSU MOA, Oct. 13, 2016.

“Wisdom of Compassion: The Art and Science of Iwasaki Tsuneo, What do you See?” Austin

College, March 23, 2017.



“Bringing Zen Home: Domestic Buddhist Practice in Everyday Life,” Jikoji, Los Gatos, CA (virtual), July 16-18, 2021.

“The Healing Power of Everyday Activities in the Time of Covid-19,” Great Spirit Sangha, San Francisco (virtual), December 17, 2020.

“The Healing Power of Everyday Activities in the Time of Covid-19,” Kannon-do, Mountainview, CA (virtual), August 1, 2020.

“Brushing the Heart: Heart Sutra Copying,” Nalanda of the West, Seattle, March 2, 2019.

“Brushing the Heart,” Crow Collection of Asian Art, March 24, 2017.

“Brushing the Heart: Contemplative Inkbrush Workshop,” Austin College, March 23, 2017.

“Heart Sutra Workshop,” Rinzai-ji, Los Angeles, CA, Oct. 2015.

“Healing Rituals Workshop,” Kannon-do Zen Center, Mountain View, CA, July 2015.

“Healing Rituals Workshop,” San Francisco Zen Center, May 2015.

“Painting and Healing,” Minnesota Zen Meditation Center, March 2015.


Art Exhibition Curator

“Painting Enlightenment: Experiencing Wisdom and Compassion Through Art and Science.” Morikami Museum, Delray Beach, FL, May 8-March 27, 2022.

“Painting Enlightenment: Experiencing Wisdom and Compassion Through Art and Science.” Peeler Art Center, DePauw University, Greencastle, IN, Sept. 13, 2019-Dec. 6, 2019.

“Painting Enlightenment,” Nalanda of the West, Seattle, WA, March 1-3, 2019.

“Painting Enlightenment,” Zentner Gallery, Emeryville, CA, Nov. 27, 2018-Jan. 4, 2019.

“Wisdom of Compassion: The Art & Science of Iwasaki Tsuneo,” Crow Collection of Asian Art, Dallas, TX, Mar. 11-Jun. 11, 2017.

Co-curator Dr. Ivette Vargas-O’Bryan, “Selections of Iwasaki Tsuneo’s Works,” Austin College Idea Center, March 9-24, 2017.

“Seeing the Wisdom of Compassion: The Art & Science of the Heart Sutra.” Institute of Buddhist Studies, Berkeley, CA, Jan. & June 2016.

“Painting Enlightenment: Experiencing Wisdom and Compassion Through Art and Science.” Louisiana State University Museum of Art, Baton Rouge, LA, Sept.-Nov. 2016.

“Painting Enlightenment: Zen and the Art of Perception, Science, and the Heart Sutra,” Presentation and Art Exhibit. Mind & Life Institute International Symposium on Contemplative Studies, Boston, Oct./Nov. 2014.


Community Service Presentations

“Buddhist History” and “Buddhist Teachings,” University Presbyterian Church, Baton Rouge, LA, March 2012.

“Buddhist Meditation,” House of Hope, Minneapolis, February, 2006.

“Zen Healing Arts,” House of Hope, Minneapolis, April, 2005.

“Zen Women,” Clouds in Water Zen Center, St. Paul, December, 2003.

“Parents and Children of Intercultural Relationships,” panelist and chair, 1995 International Awareness Festival, Nashville, March 28, 1995.

“Overview of Asian Religions,” Congregation Ohobai Sholom, Nashville, April 1995.

“Introduction to Buddhist Teachings,” West End United Methodist Church, Nashville, Mar, 1995.

“Introduction to Japanese Buddhism,” Belmont United Methodist Church, Nashville, Feb, 1995.

“Introduction to Indian Buddhism,” Belmont United Methodist Church, Nashville, Jan. 29, 1995.

“Faculty and Faith,” Vanderbilt University Sarratt Student Center, November 1994.

“Fireside Chat with Faculty,” Vanderbilt University McTyeire Language Hall, December 1994.

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